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Laylat Ul Isra Wal-Miraj

Allah Guides to His Light Whom He Wills” (Surah An-Nur)


“Laylat Ul Isra Wal-Miraj”


Bismillah-ir Rahman-ir Raheem


“He certainly saw of the Greatest of Signs of His Lord.”  (Surah An-Najm, 18)


In describing what Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw on the Night of Ascension, Allah (The Most High) says that Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw the “Greatest of Signs”!  Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw beyond everything to the Nur of Allah (The Most High); whilst Syedina Musa (Peace be upon him) had only seen the mountain!


“The Heart did not lie [about] what it saw.”  (Surah An-Najm, 11)


Speaking about Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him), Allah (The Most High) calls Him ‘Fuad’ or ‘Heart’; and in describing His experience on the Night of Ascension Allah (The Most High) said that Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) did not lie in what He saw, but normally, we would say that ‘he did not lie in what he said’, thus describing for us that what was seen cannot even be described by words or even comprehended by us.


“The sight [of the Prophet] did not swerve…” (Surah An-Najm, 17)


On that night, Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) did not even blink upon seeing what He saw, but Syedina Musa (Peace be upon him) collapsed upon seeing what he saw!


Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw the Greatest of the Signs (ayat) of Allah (The Most High) – Al Kubra.  Qiyamah is a sign, Jannah is a sign, the Arsh is a sign, but if you see the Greatest of Signs, the rest becomes nothing; when Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw Jibreel (Peace be upon him) from where He had ascended, Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) described him as a small bird, and then as a worn and tattered cloth. 


In what Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw there is a secret:  He did not tell all that He saw, and Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw what He saw as it is – He saw the reality of it!  Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) saw with His heart, and He saw reality and how it works.


For us, the baraka (blessing) we take from the journey of Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) and what He saw is that He came back and after seeing the Greatest of Signs, Rasulullah (Peace and Blessings be upon Him) cried when the young baby died, He carried stones to build His masjid, He asked about the black woman who used to clean the masjid and He was told “you claim to be a Prophet!” And all this despite having seen the Greatest of Signs.


Hence, for us, if the Greatest of Creation after seeing the Greatest of Signs humbled himself to come back and be with us, to whom else should we look!


“…Follow Me and Allah will love you…”  (Surah Aali-‘Imran, 31)


Allahumma salli alaa Nur.

 Shaykh Faid Mohammed said

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